DC Universe Presents: Deadman #3
By Hervé St-Louis
November 26, 2011 - 02:37
DC Comics
Writer(s): Paul Jenkins
Penciller(s): Bernard Chang
Inker(s): Bernard Chang
Colourist(s): Blond
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Ryan Sook
$2.99 US
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This series is in Vertigo territory but with a lot of action. I never really cared for Deadman before, even in Brightest Day. Yet, here, the character just takes a “life of his own” – pardon the double pun. He’s got so much potential, but it’s different than what was done to him in Brightest Day. How he finds the Devil is quite convoluted, as with any of Jenkins’ scripts, but it works. This book was meant for comic book readers who still expect a lot of story per issue. What Jenkins manages to put in these few pages, someone like Brian Bendis would have taken four issues to do the same.
I hear that some people don’t like Chang. I don’t know why. He’s not the most powerful inker, but I dig the blocky artwork. Another character I’d like to see him work on is Metamorpho. He has that Kirby angular thing, but with much more compelling figure designs.
Rating: 10/10
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