Comic Movies Update
By Avi Weinryb
November 1, 2007 - 01:45
Wolverine is one of the many comic properties with a film in production
Some filmed adaptations of comic books are horrendous, while others are not too shabby. This past week has been a trying time for comic fans as a bunch of announcements have been made regarding numerous properties and their shifting production statuses. What follows is a breakdown of some of the more popular comic properties in development and production. Plus one that seems to be going nowhere:
Wonder Woman
The movie is currently dead. According to
Sci-Fi Wire
, the film is no longer in Joel Silver’s production schedule. It looks like the
Justice League of America
movie will come first.
Justice League of America
This property seems to have new life. George Miller has been announced as director, and auditions are currently underway. From what has been leaked so far, it does not seem that Brandon Routh or Christian Bale will reprise their respective roles from the current
Ain’t It Cool News
has been performing an exemplary job in the spoiler/rumour department.
Hellboy II
The Golden Army
The elaborate sets have been described as gorgeous. With a majority of the original film’s cast and crew returning for another round of mayhem, this film promises to be an explosive experience. And word has it that there will be a lot more action on display when this sequel is released in 2008.
The Flash
It looks like there may be a
movie after all. After David S. Goyer dropped out of the project a while back, it did not look like it was headed anywhere. Now
MTV’s Movie Blog
is revealing that director David Dobkins is going to helm a post-JLA movie that will star the scarlet speedster. Dobkins has experience making comedies such as
Wedding Crashers
and the upcoming
Fred Claus
. Should fans be concerned? Give it a couple years and we’ll see.
Green Lantern
Green Lantern
always side by side within the DC Comics mythos, it comes as no surprise that their movie announcements fell within a few days of each other.
has reported that Greg Berlanti will direct from a script written by himself
and Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green. Some fans are still trying to figure out why comic writer Geoff Johns has not been given the opportunity, after having proven that he knows how to pen cinematic, epic tales featuring the ring slinging hero.
Some readers will recall the rumours of a comedy
GL film, with Jack Black attached to star. You can all breathe a sigh of relief now. Also, word has it that the
Green Lantern film will feature classic hero Hal Jordan as the star, rather than John Stewart, the Lantern in the upcoming
JLA movie.
Iron Man
Robert Downey Jr. will be flying through the sky in May when
Iron Man is released. The trailer has been a big hit with fans, and the recently released teaser poster looks fantastic. With a good filmmaker and a strong cast, could this be the next big franchise for Marvel Entertainment?
Spider-Man 4
James Vanderbilt is the latest hire for screenwriting duties, according to
Entertainment Weekly
. If the Writer’s Guild strike interferes, what will Vanderbilt do with his time? Review the gaping flaws in the script for
Spider-Man 3
? It could help.
Man, this film is really under wraps. No fresh news on this front.
The Dark Knight
This sequel to
Batman Begins will soon be revealed in a follow-up to the recent teaser trailer. Apparently there are some scenes that take place in Hong Kong. A slew of photos leaked onto the net a while back. The July 2008 release seems so far away!
The Incredible Hulk
The film came to shoot in Toronto for the last few months, and some members of the
Comic Book Bin’s Toronto team (myself included) managed to crash the set. It was
kind of surreal seeing New York cabs and buses in Toronto – especially when one of said cabs was embedded into the side of a burnt out bus! In between long bouts of setups for the future CGI effects, cars were blown up and extras ran around screaming.
Say hello to Bruce Banner
One of the film’s many action sequences will include tons of exploding cars, smashed buses, and a lot of soldiers. And I mean a lot. The casting team did plenty of scouring for some of the Toronto sets, and some army base sequences were shot just outside the city… at an actual army base near Trenton, Ontario. While actor Edward Norton was in town filming, Eric Bana, the star of the previous
Hulk incarnation, was also in the neighborhood. No word on whether they got together for some green tea.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Our pals at
Variety recently reported that the
flick will be hitting theatres on May 1
, 2009. Shooting is expected to take place in Australia, New Zealand, and New Orleans. Will New Zealand’s snowy mountain tops be a stand-in for the title character’s home in Canada? It’s too early to tell. After a lot of success filming the X-Men franchise in Canada, it’s sad to see crews head elsewhere. This change is likely being caused by a combination of the strengthened Canadian dollar and the new tax breaks being implemented by the Aussie government. Adamantium isn’t cheap, you know.
Elektra II: Elektra Boogaloo
Just kidding.
Avi is an editor and feature writer at the Comic Book Bin.
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