Clean Room #16
By Hervé St-Louis
February 23, 2017 - 07:14
DC Comics
Writer(s): Gail Simone
Artist(s): Walter Geovani
Colourist(s): Quinton Winter
Letterer(s): Todd Klein
Cover Artist(s): Jenny Frison
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The threat level has significantly increased this issue with the demons spreading on Earth. It is an interesting point in the series as Gail Simone has introduced all of the major players and just have to let them play out against one another. It seems that next issue we will finally see what Astrid Mueller is capable of.
Clean Room feels like Preacher and other classic Vertigo series that play in the narrow space between the normal and the creepy weird. It is odd as this is not what I expected from Simone’s register but it’s so nuts that it actually works.
It took me a while to put the pieces together but I finally realized that Walter Geovani’s work is reminiscent of Animal Man artist Chas Truog. Both of their figures have elongated bodies and their faces are expressive. The line quality of their artwork is clean. In terms of the gore, Geovani’s rendition of bloody scenes is spiky with crystallized and angular splatter of blood. His take on gore is much different than say Ryan Ottley whose own bloody scenes are bubbly and visceral. I’m not complaining. I’m just understanding the artist’s take of illustration.
Rating: 9/10
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