Casino Royale
By Mitch Emerson
November 17, 2006 - 17:34
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Director: Martin Campbell
Producers: Barbara Broccoli, Michael G Wilson, Colin McDougall, Anthony Waye
Writers: Neil Purvis, Robert Wade, Paul Haggis, Ian Fleming (novel)
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violent action, a scene of torture, and sexual content.
Distributors: Sony Pictures Releasing
Daniel Craig takes over, or should I say
"kicks off" the Bond series in Casino Royale. James Bond has just
received his 00 status when he must stop La Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen), a
banker for terrorists as well as a high stakes poker player. La Chiffre
takes his clients money and uses it to gamble on high risk stocks. When
Bond foils his attempt to blow up a prototype airliner, La Chiffre must
win a poker game in order to save his own skin. Of course Bond is there
to stop him. With a kick ass car and a beautiful Treasury Agent (Eva
Green) by his side, Bond does what he always does, he saves the day
with style, suaveness, and more than a little violence.
Martin Campbell takes Bond in a new darker, grittier direction that is
obvious from the beginning. Opening with a black and white noir-esque
scene of him beating the crap out of some dude in a bathroom, you can
tell this ain't your Daddy's Bond. From there we go right to a full on
action sequence between Craig and Sebastien Foucan that would give
Jackie Chan a run for his money. Is that enough examples? It may not be
as cheeky or slick as previous Bond films but as a straight up
spy/action flick Casino Royale delivers the goods and puts the
"thriller" back in spy thriller. I know, that was kinda lame.
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all films have some problems and Casino Royale is no exception. Some of
the familiar faces and trademarks we have come to know are missing. No
Q, Miss Monneypenny or any of the fancy gadgets are here. Which leads
me to the biggest problem of all. Is this a prequel, relaunch or a
remake? I ask because it takes place in 2006 and is supposed to be
Bonds first appearance. A friend who accompanied me swears that it's a
prequel. I argued that how can it be a prequel if it was the first Bond
book ever written?
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Until ejector seats come as standard equipment,
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Emerson, Mitch Emerson.
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