Captain America: The Winter Solider Movie Review
By The Marvel Movie Maniac
April 4, 2014 - 02:32
Studios: Marvel Studios
Writer(s): Christopher Markus, Stephenn McFeely
Starring: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johannson, Robert Redford, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Emily VanCamp
Directed by: Anthony and Joe Russo
Produced by: Victoria Alonzo
Running Time: 136 min
Release Date: April 4th 2014
Rating: PG13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned)
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Still trying to find a way to fit in to the 21st Century, a decidedly early 20th Century Steve Rodgers is running missions for SHIELD (the ubiquitous super spy/super protection agency) while trying to scape up the courage to ask his cute single neighbor out for coffee. Suddenly though, things get deadly serious when Nick Fury reveals a top secret project designed to stop terrorists and criminals before their dirty deeds can be done through global preemptive strikes. Boldly declaring that "this isn't freedom, it's fear," Rodgers begins to question his loyalty to SHIELD and its all to real world (for us) parallels to NSA spying and preemptive war. He doesn't have much time to question said loyalty though when an assassination attempt on Fury, by a mysterious mechanical armed operative secretly known as The Winter Soldier hurls Rodgers into covert action with the only friends he can trust, Natasha Romanov AKA The Black Widow and Sam Wilson, whom the world will soon know as The Falcon.
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Directors Anthony and Joe Russo (Arrested Development) demonstrate that they have the directing chops to bring to life a big budget special effects filled tent pole film. The big special effects heavy sequences are more computer directed now than anything though, so while not taking anything away from the Russos, crashing a Helicarrier into the Triskelion isn't really a major directing feat. Staging those more introspective moments between Rodgers, Romanov, and Fury is where the Russos shine. They also manage to get a much deeper performance out of Chris Evans in the title role than he delivered in the first Captain America film. Evans is a great actor in his own right, but here he really needed to rise to the challenge of portraying Capt. America's dark night of the soul, and the Russos got Evans to deliver his best.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is easily one of the best Marvel Studios films yet. While it doesn't rank with The Avengers in the grandness of scale, it easily takes its place alongside the first Iron Man film as one of the best, and most mature, Marvel Studios films yet. With plenty plot lines developing out of this smart and adventurous films, we haven't seen the end of Cap, The Falcon, or The Winter Soldier centric stories yet, not by a long shot. If Captain America 3 is half this good, it will be worth the wait.
Rating: 9/10
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