Captain America #600
By Hervé St-Louis
June 20, 2009 - 23:25
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Alex Ross, Paul Dini, Ed Brubaker, Roger Stern, Mark Waid, Stan Lee
Penciller(s): various
Inker(s): various
Colourist(s): Matt Hollingsworth, Mitch Breitweiser, Marte Gracia, Paul Mounts
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna, Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Artist(s): Steve Epting, Alex Ross
$4.99 US
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Marvel Comics has decided to reboot the numbering of the current Captain America series with the original series’ numbers. This issue takes place one year after the assignation of the original Captain America and readers are treated to the reaction of several characters, enemies, and friends about this anniversary. But a new revelation about the weapon used to kill Captain America brings hope in that he may be revived.
Two anniversary issues in a row is overdoing it. It seems that Brubaker has nothing else to write about Captain America. The main story here shows us through different stories how many people, old friends and new ones react to Captain America. We even get to meet another girl friend I didn’t even know existed along with a lot of older characters from Roger Stern’ run I presume. It’s too bad that there was nothing from Mark Gruenwald’s long run on Captain America. He wrote the character and his romance with vigilante Diamondback for years. It’s too bad that series is more caught up on the current Dark Reign storyline running throughout all Marvel Comics’ series, rather than celebrate the character. There is nothing here about what it means to have a Captain America in the United States.
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About the renumbering, it’s difficult to follow Marvel Comics’ move. They just celebrated the 50th issue of a series that was designed to totally reboot Captain America and throw away his long publishing history. After just reaching the 50th issue, Marvel decides to switch to the old numbering. But then in about two weeks’ time, they will release a mini-series rebooting Captain America again that will not be part of the regular numbering, one supposes. But what will happen after that mini-series has been published?
The artwork is all over the place this issue. Some is good, some is weaker, some is historical, and some self congratulatory, like the Alex Ross piece reprinted from an earlier story. The one story that was the most fun to look at was the old one from the 1940s featuring very primitive artwork.
Rating: 6.5/10
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