Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #1
By Zak Edwards
September 14, 2011 - 16:59
Dark Horse Comics
Penciller(s): Joss Whedon
Inker(s): Georges Jeanty
Colourist(s): Dexter Vines
Letterer(s): Michelle Madsen
$2.99 US
I am a fairly recent fan of Buffy, having started to watch the show only a couple of years ago and finishing about two months ago. Naturally, I devoured Season 8 afterward and I think my opinion is in line with everyone else: the concept got too big, the fights and the battles and the budget-less execution was a bit of a garbled mess. I remember reading an interview with Joss Whedon where he talked about the second season of Buffy and the budget cuts they got. He argued they were a good thing, made them focus on characters rather than fights and other things, and that the series became much better because of them. Well, the logic will hopefully hold for Season 9, where the show has received an even bigger 'budget cut' by reeling things back in a large way. The castles and the giant spaceships piloted by giant insects have been replaced by Buffy the waitress, Willow the de-powered witch, and Xander and Dawn the domestic bliss-y’s occupying a world recently devoid of magic. So while Season 8 was, even in the words of Joss Whedon (and I paraphrase) a bit of a failed experiment, I think this new season will be better because of the scaling back. It worked once already.
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That being said, I have never been completely sold on Georges Jeanty’s artwork. Not to say the job isn’t difficult, attempting to bridge the gap between recognizable real people with a comic book style and approach is, well, near impossible, but his work has never blown me away. He has handled some crazy ideas in the past, who can forget Mecha-Dawn, but his work never seems to stand out. The new character designs, with almost every character getting a haircut with varying degrees of success, don't work very well. Buffy looks like a teenager again and Andrew, at least I think it's Andrew, isn't recognizable; he let his hair grow out and I’m not entirely sure that his long hair is in line with his character and helping me recognize him. Luckily, the other characters are easily recognized and fairly iconographic: redheaded Willow and eye-patched Xander are fairly easy to pick out of a crowd, especially with the very bright coloring. Jeanty is capable and can convey the emotions of the characters fairly easily, if not relying a bit too heavily on exaggeration, and overall the book looks good. Jeanty has been drawing Buffy for a while now, so audience’s are used to the style and characters, mostly. Unfortunately, colourist Michelle Madsen hasn't quite got a handle on some things. Buffy hungover looks more like a vampire-zombie than a person in need of a greasy breakfast and a cup of coffee, and the early morning scenes look washed out and pale in a way that is distracting and looks off rather than capturing the haze of early mornings. However, the book is more than readable and the art team has a handle on the material, even if it doesn't turn heads.
Grade: A- Buffy is back and sets the bar pretty high.
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