Booster Gold # 47
By Koppy McFad
August 14, 2011 - 01:13
DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens
Penciller(s): Dan Jurgens, Rick Leonardi
Inker(s): Norm Rapmund
Cover Artist(s): Dan Jurgens
$2.99 US 32 pages
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In this FLASHPOINT tie-in, Booster Gold has to get through the monsterous Doomsday to find a way to save the world from this apocalyptic, alternate timeline that it has been trapped in.
This is a very strange issue that basically wraps up the whole Booster Gold series. Booster and his allies escape the clutches of the paranoid alternate-world US government and defeat Doomsday in a genuinely clever and unique way. But then, he gets knocked out of the timeline and abruptly forgets almost everything that he needed to remember.
It looks like the story was rather rushed and possibly rewritten at the last minute to tie up all the loose ends in this last issue of Booster Gold. The fact that two different artists worked on the book reinforces this feeling.
While the story has a definitive ending, it also feels unsatisfying and abrupt. The promos gave the impression that Booster Gold would play a major part in the FLASHPOINT storyline but now, he gets kicked offstage even though he is a character who is tailor-made for an epic about alternate histories. It just confirms the impression that for all his appearances, Booster is just a minor, marginal character in the DC universe.
The art by both Leonardi and Jurgens is competent and up to the task of telling the story but neither one really shines. The two art styles also don't mesh together very well so the transition between them is rather jarring to the eye.
Rating: 6.5/10
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