Booster Gold # 23
By Koppy McFad
August 14, 2009 - 23:42
DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens/Matthew Sturges
Penciller(s): Dan Jurgens/Mike Norton
Inker(s): Norm Rapmund
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Dan Jurgens/Norm Rapmund
$3.99 US 40 pages
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Thanks to the history-changing antics of supervillain, the Black Beetle, Deathstroke and son have managed to kill the New Teen Titans, paving the way for the demonic Trigon's conquest of Earth. So now, Booster Gold has to restore history to its rightful path while defeating the Black Beetle's evil scheme.
This comic comes with an attractive cover that has virtually nothing to do with the story inside. But even then, that story is pretty entertaining although it does requires a lot of knowledge of DC Comics' continuity to understand what the stakes are. Booster's light-hearted play-acting, combined with his dead-serious sense of mission, make him both a lot of fun but also make him rather edgey and exciting. Booster may not take himself too seriously but he takes his job seriously and that makes it easier to get into these stories involving time-travel and four-eyed demons.
The Blue Beetle backup feature in this comic also works out well as the Beetle and his crew outsmart a mad scientist who has turned herself into a robotic killer. The story and art, while superficially cartoony, have a lot of dramatic impact. As an additional treat: it appears that the storylines of both the Blue Beetle and the Booster Gold stories are converging. Both Booster and the Beetle may not be major players in DC Comics but allows them to have fun stories that don't have to link up with the year's crossover.
Rating: 8/10
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