Booster Gold # 22
By Koppy McFad
July 17, 2009 - 01:59
DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens
Penciller(s): Dan Jurgens
Inker(s): Norm Rapmund
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Dan Jurgens
$3.99 US 40 pages
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This time, the Black Beetle's intervention ensures the victory of Deathstroke and company, seemingly killing all the new Titans. Now Booster has to find a way to correct this re-written history.
This story has a certain slowness and sameness to it. Aside from basically repeating an old issue of the Titans, Booster spends too much time trying to explain to the Titans why he must help them without tipping them off to his real mission. Black Beetle has the same sort of problem as well as he acts as a sort of evil version of Booster except that he is siding with the bad guys. All of this just makes an already confusing story even more complicated.
The premise behind BOOSTER GOLD is also getting a bit predictable. He travels back in time and teams with various DC heroes. It is the same thing, again and again and actually gets a bit tiring. A different type of story-- maybe a trip to an alternative dimension or a standard crime-fighting mission is needed, just to clear the palate.
The art is pleasing enough except for a few pages near the end when the inking becomes sloppy.
This issue also has Blue Beetle in a back-up feature, tracking down a family of scientists who specialise in killer robots. It is a diverting little story but it gets cut short just as we the plot starts getting interesting. The art looks like an Archie comic that is trying to take itself seriously. It is pretty unique and has a nice simplicity to it.
Rating: 6/10
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