Booster Gold # 9
By Koppy McFad
May 19, 2008 - 04:46
DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz
Penciller(s): Dan Jurgens
Inker(s): Norm Rapmund
Cover Artist(s): Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund
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Booster Gold and Blue Beetle-Ted Kord bring their old Justice League International (JLI) team back together to take on Maxwell Lord and his OMACs. But anyone expecting a return to the 'Bwah-hah-hah' type of stories will be disappointed. This is a deadly serious tale with the remnants of the JLI fighting a last-ditch battle against overwhelming odds.
There are a lot of goodies thrown into this story for the old-timers: Mister Miracle making an escape, Fire acting testy, Guy being determined, a one-panel cameo with Lockdown and Master Jailer and some surprising actions from all the heroes involved. It is a bit unfortunate that they didn't include more of a re-cap to tell newcomers what is going on, but at this point, with the all the time-travel and alternate histories, only the longtime readers will be able to follow the story anyway.
What is remarkable is how the story works, even when it puts these once-comedic characters in a very serious situation. It makes you realise that maybe the JLI could have lasted a lot longer-- if the creative team of that era had just balanced the comedy with some real action and suspense.
The art in this issue is greatly improved with all the characters looking very passionate and determined. The shadowing and tones are consistent all throughout, unlike in previous issues when one page would seem lighter than the other.
This book is genuinely suspenseful and will leave many readers eager to know what happens yet. We still don't know whether Ted Kord will live or die but the creative team has really made us care about him and to worry about his fate, over a year after he was "murdered."
Rating: 9 - Very Good/10
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