Blackest Night #7
By Andy Frisk
February 25, 2010 - 21:04
DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns
Penciller(s): Ivan Reis
Inker(s): Oclair Albert and Joe Prado
Colourist(s): Alex Sinclair
Letterer(s): Nick J. Napolitano
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Blackest Night reaches its penultimate moment as Nekron calls forth the ultimate embodiment of all life in the universe and attempts to destroy it, forcing Ganthet to reveal the universe’s most closely guarded secret. It’s the type of revelation that turns the Guardians authority on its head and explains nearly all of the motivations behind their actions since the dawn of time. It also explains just why Earth is so important to the Guardians, the Multiverse, and the entire DC Universe. This one is big folks.
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It’s a revelation packed with such importance and meaning that would be a travesty to reveal it here. Johns’ most recent efforts (Green Lantern #50 and #51) were lackluster affairs. They really didn’t accomplish much by way of adding to Blackest Night as a storyline, but Johns more than makes up for it with the revelations of Blackest Night #7. The secrets revealed aren’t really of the completely unexpected and shocking kind, but they are profound. They very neatly tie up and explain years of storyline buildup and plot threads. The final event of the issue and the final two page spread do come as a bit of a shock. They reveal that Hal Jordan may not be the hero to save the day. It may be someone totally unexpected…
Speaking of full two page spreads, Reis and company’s work in this issue is really great. Reis’ work has been great throughout the series, but watching him really cut loose with the huge amount of characters he has to draw is really rewarding. The Orange Lantern Luthor, Blue Lantern Flash, and Indigo Tribe Atom are beautifully detailed and rendered. There’s a large amount of emotional spectrum energy ring slinging and construct building, which can muddle up the panels given the nature of its visual complexity, but Reis doesn’t lose the reader in a multicolored mishmash of lines and light. Every panel and construct is discernable and are great works of art.
Overall, Blackest Night, as an event, has been a bit of a hit and miss affair at times, but its core title Blackest Night has been solid. The good folks at DC Comics definitely overextended this event a bit much throughout their titles, but Blackest Night #8 is going to be the must read of the entire event.
Rating: 10/10
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