Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1 Review
By Andy Frisk
June 6, 2012 - 15:40
DC Comics
Writer(s): Darwyn Cooke
Penciller(s): Darwyn Cooke
Inker(s): Darwyn Cooke
Colourist(s): Phil Noto
Letterer(s): Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Artist(s): Darwyn Cooke
$3.99 US
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The first two pages mentioned above are the most interesting and brilliant thing about BW: Minutemen #1, not because they employ the same type of brilliant progressive panel artistry and imagery that Alan Moore utilized to great effect in the original Watchmen, but because Cooke purposely uses this technique and then abruptly abandons it the same moment that Mason utters the words, “This is terrible.” It is almost as if Cooke is announcing to Before Watchmen’s line of readers that mimicking Moore’s idea on panel layouts and structure in Before Watchmen’s books would not only be a terrible thing, it would be horribly redundant and wreak of the dreaded “been there seen that” syndrome. No, Before Watchmen is going to be its own beast, and the first issue of the series is definitely a beast all its own.
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Publishing stories that flush out the backstory of some of the most captivating characters thought into existence from one of the most powerful and artistic sequential art superhero story of all time is a risky undertaking. Moore himself likened Before Watchmen as a sort of sequel to Moby-Dick, to which I responded that Moore is no Melville, but after touching on Moore’s visual style with the layout of the first two pages then abandoning it for his own vision of this story, Cooke demonstrates that prequels-when done right-can be worthwhile endeavors. They are only worthwhile endeavors though when the creator of the prequel allows the prequel to become its own animal instead of slavishly rehashing lines, plots, and scenes that mirror the original. Before Watchmen looks to eschew these failing tropes and be something unique. The fact that Cooke so brilliantly pays homage to, while simultaneously jettisoning, the past with a scant 8 panels is just brilliant, and something that makes me want to read the rest of this series. Before Watchmen looks to be a worthy read simply because it balances something new with something legendary, and it works.
Rating: 8.5/10
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