DC Comics
Batman #14 Review
By J. Skyler
November 22, 2012 - 00:51

DC Comics
Writer(s): Scott Snyder
Penciller(s): Greg Capullo
Inker(s): Jonathan Glapion
Colourist(s): FCO Plascencia
Letterer(s): Richard Starkings, Jimmy Betancourt
Cover Artist(s): Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion
$3.99 US

"Funny Bones" continues the Joker's assault on Gotham City and his insidious plot to execute the various members of the Batman Family. Alfred Pennyworth, surrogate father to Bruce Wayne has been captured and now the Joker has managed to place Commissioner Gordon in critical condition with virtually no effort. It's difficult, if not impossible, to put a new spin on an old character like the Joker, but Snyder manages to inch the character closer to something reminiscent of Jason Voorhees or Freddy Krueger without losing his signature twisted sense of humor or wit.

As much as he tries to deny it, Pennyworth's capture has stuck a particularly emotional blow to Batman, one which we can assume has cut him nearly as deep as the murder of his parents. Attempting to retain control of his emotions, he intentional becomes a stoic as humanly possible, warning Nightwing not to let the Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin or Batgirl know that Pennyworth's has been kidnapped, lest they act out of rage or haste instead of proceeding with caution.

In the "Good Ol' Days" before The New 52, the Joker would have made his scheme settle with a slow burn. These days however, he's cutting through the rubbish like a hyperactive zombie out of Dawn of the Dead. The most disturbing revelation of this issue is the fact the Joker apparently knows everything now; secret identities are a relic of the past. It's all the Family can do to simply react to his every move, let alone have enough time to plan ahead. One must wonder: who will live and who will die by the time this story concludes?

Rating: 7/10

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