Review: Batman 100-Page Giant #4
By Philip Schweier
October 31, 2018 - 08:02
DC Comics
Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
Artist(s): Nick Derington
Colourist(s): Dave Stewart
Letterer(s): Josh Reed
the opening sequence is a winner: Batman pulls up in the Batmobile in a small
town somewhere out West (or so we presume). It’s broad daylight and Batman is
parading around in complete cape and cowl. It reminds me of an old “Mad
Magazine Looks at Batman” feature by Sergio Aragones. One two-panel bit shows
Batman on the beach in daylight, followed by him back at the Batcave, mask off,
and a sunburn around his mouth and chin.
But Batman isn’t looking for a tan, he’s searching for the source of the Riddler’s latest heist, in the hopes it will lead him to the Riddler himself. But Edward E. Nigma is as far from Gotham as one can get, and has been promised protection even Batman can’t overcome. Fortunately, Batman has more than one trick arrow in his quiver.
Nick Derington’s artwork is fabulous, and with a monthly schedule it is my hope he will be able to stay on task for the foreseeable future. If not, he certainly deserves an opportunity on Detective Comics or Batman.
I look forward to reading this story in its entirety. DC’s giant comics produced exclusively for WalMart are more than just an outreach. They feature top quality artists and writers (and reprints), and have the potential for being part of the overall continuity.