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BPRD The Black Goddess #1
By Patrick Bérubé
January 27, 2009 - 15:30

Dark Horse Comics
Writer(s): Mike Mignola/ John Arcudi
Penciller(s): Guy Davis
Inker(s): Guy Davis
Colourist(s): Dave Stewart
Letterer(s): Clem Robins
Cover Artist(s): Kevin Nowlan
$2.99 US

The Black Goddess #1 kicks off a new story arc in the ongoing adventures of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense. After Liz Sherman disappeared and that giants robots were stopped after ravaging half of Munich, Abe, Johann and Devon are looking for clues concerning the whereabouts of their kidnapped colleague. To do so they hunt down the acolytes and the secret headquarter of a deceased 40’s era hero called the Lobster who might have been in contact with Liz’s abductor, the mysterious Memnan Saa.

John Arcudi and Mike Mignola’s plot is relatively quiet. One would expect more action for a first issue. However, you have to take in consideration the place this story arc occupies in the grand scheme of thing. Many plot threads were introduced since the series started in 2002 and it seems to me that everything is slowly coming together. What I appreciate the most so far from this Cthulhu-esque tale is that it might actually end up like a Lovecraft story. I really do feel like the frogs might win in the end and that the world might become a home for Elder-God like being. It’s not in every series, particularly super-heroes one, that you can be so uncertain of the fate of the characters.

As for the art, Guy Davis as imposed himself as the BPRD definitive artist. I so closely associate the characters to his particular style that even the cover by the talented Kevin Nowlan seems a bit off. Guy Davis simply renders the scenario’s mood perfectly unto the page and creates a near perfect story-art match.

Overall this is a very good start to this story arc but if you are a new reader I would suggest that you start by some earlier TPB. There is just too much happening related to previous plot lines right now. As for the rating, I will give this issue a temporary 8 out 10 until I can read the next few ones. It's too hard to dissociate this first issue from the story arc.


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