Azrael: Death’s Dark Knight 2 (of 3)
By Andy Frisk
April 22, 2009 - 18:10
DC Comics
Writer(s): Fabian Nicieza
Penciller(s): Frazer Irving
Inker(s): Frazer Irving
Colourist(s): Frazer Irving
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Guillem March
$2.99 US
The new Azrael crosses blades with Talia Al Ghul, who tips him off about the curse that goes along with the Suit of Sorrows, then has tea with her as she explains that she wants the suit for her son, Damien, so he can “more quickly attain his…birthright…” Azrael then show us that he can glide like Batman, while Oracle (who always puts in a Class A performance as a guest star in a cameo role) fills Nightwing in on him as glides through
Ok, I said this issue was incrementally better than the last, so what’s better? Now that I think about it, nothing is, really. That is, there isn’t anything better about this new Azrael; this issue is better because Oracle and Nightwing pop up and both characters are way more interesting than the new Azrael. I’ll admit that he was a little more engaging while in action this issue and his sword, visually, a treat to behold in action as well, but that has a little more to do with the artwork than the story telling.
The art work remains top notch and is what really saves this series from being a waste of time. The interplay of light and dark during the sword battle between Talia and Azrael coupled with the minimalist background creates an atmosphere more suited to a medieval, dimly lit duel in a dank castle in a darker, more magical age. This really is what Nicieza and
Still the best Azrael.
Overall, what is DC going to do with this Azrael once Nightwing takes over as Batman at the end of this silly “
Rating: 5/10
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