Azrael: Death’s Dark Knight #1
By Andy Frisk
March 18, 2009 - 20:57
DC Comics
Writer(s): Fabian Nicieza
Penciller(s): Frazer Irving
Inker(s): Frazer Irving
Colourist(s): Frazer Irving
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Guillem March
$2.99 US
Azrael, the character, was a pretty neat concept, uh…except for that whole taking over the Batman’s job thing all those years ago.
The Angel of Vengeance created by the Order of
What's up with the boots?
It seems that there is a splinter group of The Order of
Now that's an Azrael who'll strike fear into the hearts of evil doers!
Either way and anyway, Lane is tapped by the Order to don the suit and become the new Azrael, which he does almost before they finish their sales pitch and he goes straight into action, like any unbalanced superhero should.
Irving’s art is good with its painted backgrounds and water color-like haze but it doesn’t seem to fit AZRAEL, mostly because the strongest images of Azrael, to me, were the Quesada inspired dark angel-like, cowl wearing, flaming arm sword bearing, dark and menacing, demonic looking character.
This new Azrael though is more of a street wise looking character with all the required tattered t-shirt and combat boot “hero of the streets” overdone look.
Well what can you expect from a hand-me-down, splinter group’s Azrael.
We just should expect more from DC than this shoddy work, re-birthing an old character to sell a few more comic books to a few of us who actually remember the real Azrael.
AZRAEL: DEATH’S DARK KNIGHT is just another throwaway side tale to the quickly becoming throwaway main tale that is BATTLE FOR THE COWL.
I mean c’mon, who else deserves the cowl other than Dick Grayson/Nightwing?
What’s there really to battle over?
Rating: 4/10
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