Avatar on DVD
By Hervé St-Louis
June 8, 2010 - 07:20
Studios: Dune Entertainment, Giant Studios, Ingenious Film Partners, Lightstorm Entertainment
Writer(s): James Cameron
$19.99 US
Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez
Directed by: James Cameron
Produced by: Colin Wilson, Laeta Kalogridis, James Cameron
Running Time: 160 min
Release Date: April 22, 2010
Rating: PG13
Distributors: 20th Century Fox
Genre: Action/Adventure and Science Fiction/Fantasy
Platform: DVD, BluRay
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Many have said that Avatar is everything that’s wrong with Hollywood these days. That a film company has to invest millions in all types of gadgetry and visual splash to justify bringing audiences to the theatre. That the spending extravaganza covers a weak plot and a story often told. But what does it say about the DVD release of such a movie? I just liked Avatar. I’ve got no complaints with it nor any qualms with the alleged philosophical issues surrounded by the Hollywood institutions that created this blockbuster. Avatar was not meant to be a groundbreaking intellectual piece of art. It’s art alright though, but closer to the average guy and gal. Watching the DVD will allow you to enjoy this movie without the hype of the criticisms of connoisseurs that have visceral issues with this film. I still don’t understand what people have against this film. It seems that because it’s popular, because the story is familiar, because it uses the latest technology to amaze audiences that it’s not good enough for some.
I liked being able to stop and watch individual frames on the screen and marvel at the plants in the forest at night. They really do look awesome, but in the theatre, there was so much happening and anticipation that a lot of the visual wonders of this film were barely noticed by the viewer. That’s why the DVD release of this film exists. My copy had little extras. It was the straight film divided into chapters. I’m not sure if there many editions, but if I have one criticism, it’s the lack of third person commentary from the regular release of Avatar on DVD. Such a magic film deserved more, although the story is enough to captivate and entertain audiences, there is so much that could have been told about the back story and the behind the scenes.
Rating: 8/10
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