Astonishing X-Men #50 Review
By Andy Frisk
May 27, 2012 - 19:22
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Marjorie Liu
Penciller(s): Mike Perkins
Inker(s): Mike Perkins
Colourist(s): Andy Troy
Letterer(s): VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Dustin Weaver and Rachelle Rosenberg
$3.99 US
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The most interesting thing about Astonishing X-Men #50 isn’t that fact that Jean-Paul and Kyle get engaged, it’s that the current cross over event Avengers vs. X-Men doesn’t seem to be affecting the goings on in Astonishing X-Men. The social commentary might actually be taking precedent over the latest cash grabbing mega-event. I’m sure AvX will show up in the pages of Astonishing X-Men soon though. This will most likely not be the case until post issue #51 though.
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The current “gay marriage” storyline is drawing a hefty amount of press and commentary, both positive and negative, but Marvel Comics is doing a great job of having the impending wedding and this issue’s engagement function as just another part of the story instead of the focus of the story. X-Men comic book writers over the years have always written realistically, intelligently, and insightfully (most of the time) about their characters private lives and loves. These plots, while a major part of the story, don’t comprise the entire story, much like our own personal lives comprise part of our own stories, but not the whole story of our lives. Kudos again to Marvel Comics for presenting this current personal plot thread just like they have all the others and not making a huge hoopla out of it. Yes, they might be grabbing for the cash with AvX, but Astonishing X-Men is simply doing what Marvel Comics continues to best instead.
Rating: 8/10
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