Apple Delivers a Microsoft-Styled Update with iOS 7
By Hervé St-Louis
September 20, 2013 - 08:31
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The main problem is the battery life. My tablet used to last me about two days with a fairly amount of usage. If I used it more consistently, as my main device, I could get a full day’s worth of battery life without needing a charge. Since I’ve owned my iPad 4, I have never worried about battery life. Since yesterday, the tablet has been charging most of the time, and it has yet to get a full charge. Well, actually, I charged it lightly yesterday afternoon and went on with my life not using it. When I arrived home and tried to use it, the tablet had died! The whole battery had been discharged while the tablet was in my case waiting idly and not doing much.
The iPad, since the update has been burning, ridiculously. The tablet has been charging since 7PM last night. 12 hours later, it has managed to charge up only to about 52%. This is ridiculous. Before the iOS 7 update, I could charge my tablet in about two or three hours. Meanwhile, I’ve read several articles that have popped up claiming to help iOS users save their battery life. All location services were already off. I don’t use any of Apple’s constricting services such as Airdrop, Game Center, SIRI or App Refresh. Yet, the battery still cannot charge properly.
I removed all the fancy transitions and effects as one of the articles suggested, still, the tablet just drains power. I’ve had this tablet for nine months now, and it has always been working quite well. I doubt that I’ve been stuck with a lemon. It’s Apple’s iOS 7 update which is creating havoc on my iPad and I want Apple to fix its Microsoft-like mess or refund me my money. The tablet is unusable now. Tim Cook and John Ives are proving that together they are no replacements for Steve Jobs. Jobs would never have allowed such a piece of crap to be released to the public.
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