Amazons Attack # 4 (of 6)
By Koppy Mcfad
July 21, 2007 - 04:26
DC Comics
Writer(s): Wil Pfeifer
Penciller(s): Pete Woods
Cover Artist(s): Pete Woods
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Supergirl and Wonder Girl lead the Amazons in an attack on the US President. Well, they didn't mean to do it but that is what happened anyway in this fourth issue of a six-part tale of the Amazon invasion of the United States. This miniseries did not start out well and it is deteriorating rapidly. In this issue, only Superman shows any sign of heroism-- or intelligence. Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Wonder Girl, Grace Choi, all act like idiots in the face of mass slaughter. Amazons who once killed children with glee are suddenly overcome by soapy rhetoric. The rest of the DC superheroes just stand around in the background. We discover that apparently, there is another faction of Amazons that is stirring things up even more and that a certain supervillainess is behind it all. But this is just piling unnecessary detail on a story that is already moving too slowly and ready to collapse. This is suppose to be a war story but it comes off like a bad soap opera. The art only worsens the situation as it is stiff and wooden and does not convey the terror and excitement that the characters are suppose to be feeling. One out of five stars.
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