Amazing X-Men #1 Review
By Andy Frisk
November 6, 2013 - 16:22
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Jason Aaron
Penciller(s): Ed McGuinness
Inker(s): Dexter Vines
Colourist(s): Marte Gracia
Letterer(s): VC's Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Ed McGuinness and Marte Gracia
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With a mighty BAMF! and a hint of brimstone Nightcrawler returns to the pages of an X-Book just in time to liven up the mood after the rather depressing events of Battle of The Atom that saw Kitty Pryde join Cyclops' faction of X-Men, and abandon her position at the Jean Grey School. Marvel Comics' hottest (and best) writer, Jason Aaron, is the perfect writer to usher in the new age of Nightcrawler adventures as part of the X-Men. Once this introductory 5 part storyline, "The Quest for Nightcrawler" wraps up, Kurt Wagner will most likely fill Kitty's place at the school, and allow Aaron to tell some more great stories with the new characters (Angelica Jones/Firestar is now part of the cast too) he's getting to take out of the Marvel toy box to play with.
Speaking of playing, Aaron is going for a little more adult crowd with Amazing X-Men. While Wolverine and The X-Men focuses on the students and their trials and romances at the Jean Grey School, Amazing X-Men looks to focus more on the adventures and romances of the faculty, with an emphasis on the romance. In issue one alone we learn that Warbird is aggressively pursuing a sexual relationship with Iceman, Firestar already thinks Iceman is "hot," and Storm definitely doesn't ever want Wolverine to "skip the foreplay." Of course, all of this is revealed in the most PG way possible, but it looks like there will be plenty of romantic subplots to go along with the sci-fi ones. Hopefully though, if Aaron wants to keep the romance subplot ploy fresh, he'll focus on the Wolverine/Storm relationship as it looks like it might just be the most interesting of the many he's toying with.
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Easily another hit in the making for Marvel Comics, Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness' Amazing X-Men looks to be a fun ride for X-Fans everywhere. Personally, I'm even more glad to see Aaron writing yet another Marvel Comics' book. In my opinion he's the Scott Snyder of the Marvel Bullpen. Smart, just edgy enough, (when he's allowed to be), and a consummate storyteller. He should be writing even more Marvel books.
Rating: 9/10
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