Alpha Flight 2011 – It’s Good to Be Canadian Again
By Hervé St-Louis
August 14, 2011 - 01:28
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Greg Pak, Fed Van Lente
Penciller(s): Dale Eaglesham, Ben Oliver
Inker(s): Andrew Henessy, Dan Green
Colourist(s): Sonia Oback, Frank Martin
Letterer(s): Simon Bowland
Cover Artist(s): Phil Jimenez, Frank D'Armata, Dale Eaglesham
$3.99 US (Maxi-series) $2.99 US (Oneshot)
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To kick off the effort, Marvel Comics published Alpha Flight 0.1 a one shot updating Alpha Flight since the team was last seen in a comic book of its own. The story is by the same writers working on the mini-series, Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente so it’s not bad at all. Half of the team was dead for a while and so, they have to come to terms with their lives and take their place back in society. For some it’s easier than others. What the creators try to do is assemble the “classic” team of Alpha Flight which for some reason has never really all played together in the past. This is also Marvel Comics reaching out and cleaning out the mess that was Alpha Flight’s history and restoring them – or trying – to their former glory.
Introduced in the pages of Uncanny X-Men, Alpha Flight was composed of national heroes from all parts of Canada and expanded further by John Byrne once he set out to write over two years of stories for the Canadian super heroes. As an offshoot of the X-Men, and penned by John Byrne, the series was ground-breaking and did not treat the Canadians as a junior X-Men team, the way some incarnations have. Some versions of Alpha Flight even contained headliners wearing American emblems. How could Marvel Comics think that Canadians would want to read about American super heroes in Canada, I wonder. Here, Pak and Van Lente attempt to give Alpha Flight enough drama and adventure to make it a book worthwhile, even if they are Canadians.
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The Alphans are of course reluctant to follow the leader of the Unity Party but they must still combat some of the radical opponents that seek to warn people about the new Prime Minister. In a twist of fate, the creators of the series bring in something similar to the War’s Measure Act in a ploy giving the new Prime Minister Cody total power over all of Canada. We know they have done their research into Canada’s history and how the War’s Measures Act was used in the past, like when the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) performed terrorist acts in Montréal in 1970. Just like then, innocent citizens were arrested without trial. The Alphans rebel against that. This will be the main theme of this mini-series, including their betrayal by one of their own.
The writers attempt to capture the personalities of the Alphans right. They also allude to their complicated histories That’s all good. One source of conflict is Northstar’s reluctance to join Alpha Flight and to have his sister be a part of the team, due to her split personality disorder. One thing I really wish the writers will explore, is how different are the twin speedsters, Northstar and Aurora from the other mutant twins of the Marvel Universe, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. There are many parallels between the two sets of mutant twins, some of which is the over protectiveness of the brothers towards their sisters. The sisters’ precarious emotional states are also at issue.
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The other team members, Sasquatch, Shaman, and Snowbird are still played as puppets as far as issue #3. Only Marrina, the once wife of Namor the Submariner gets any real personality or something worth remembering. She’s still crazy and a danger to others. She’s got that wacko edge to her that’s refreshing. She could just go nuts and kill everyone in the room at any moment. I like her much better than in the past where she never made much sense to me. Some of the annoying Canadian characters like Major Maple Leaf and Talisman are nowhere to be found, but other small players are. Puck is back but he’s different. There’s also a lot of references to Alpha Flight’s past including a reappearance by Purple Girl.
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I really like where Marvel Comics is going with this revival of Alpha Flight and wish the series will be a success. If you’re not Canadian and don’t understand why you should care about this series, just remember that it’s quality entertainment with great visual design and a plot that seems a bit all too real.
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