All New X-Men #5 Review
By Alexander Jones
January 2, 2013 - 19:46
Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Micheal Bendis
Penciller(s): Stuart Immonen
Inker(s): Wade Von Grawbadger Craig Yeung
Colourist(s): Marte Gracia
Letterer(s): VC'S Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Immonen, Von Grawbadger
$3.99 US
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The younger Jean Grey has taken a large new step beyond her initial naive character when the series started. Comic Books are a collaborative medium which Brian Micheal Bendis and Stuart Immonen really capitalize on. Particularly in the sequence where Beast gives Jean the memories of the now deceased older Jean Grey. It is a splash that will really reward longtime readers of X-Men and stretch their current memories of the character. Going back to Jean’s Marvel Girl costume was another very cool moment in this wonderful issue. The resolution of the plot thread with Beast’s cardiac arrest was another very important development because the character was on the verge of death just last issue. The explanation of why Beast was sick was a clever way of welding old superhero continuity into a new a spin for the series. The interaction of new and old Beast was enticing and well thought out. Towards the end of the comic readers are introduced to a new look for Beast which is interesting but a little bit dull. Not killing the character of Beast was also a smarter way for the series to continue because there is obviously more story waiting to be reaped from him.
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Rating: 9/10
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