Action Comics # 864
By Koppy McFad
May 10, 2008 - 02:54
DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns
Penciller(s): Gary Frank
Inker(s): Johnathan Sibal
Cover Artist(s): Kevin Maguire
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Batman meets Lightning Lad and reveals to Superman the existance of the Legion of Three Worlds.
This issue is an epilogue to both the recent ACTION COMICS saga reuniting Superman and the Legion and also to the recent COUNTDOWN miniseries which featured Duo Damsel and Karate Kid. It is also a prologue to the upcoming "Legion of Three Worlds" miniseries.
There isn't much action in this issue. But there is a lot of dramatic tension between Batman and Lightning Lad who is visiting the 21st century. over their conflicting attitudes towards Superman, towards time-travel and over Batman's revelation that he has encountered two different versions of the Legion before. Batman also summons Superman to Gotham to look into corpses of two Legion members-- something that shocks Lightning Lad.
Old time readers will enjoy the interaction between Lightning Lad-- Superman's childhood buddy, and Batman-- Superman's 'new' friend. It is certainly refreshing to see that Lightning Lad isn't all that impressed with Batman but even more refreshing to see him drop the 'defiant-teen act' near the end and actually make an effort to apologise to Batman before going back to the future. This issue also serves to whet the appetite of the reader about what lies ahead for both the Legion(s) and Superman. Suffice to say, it looks like a real doozy is in the works.
The art is a bit disappointing however. All of the characters look excessively rumpled and in need of a good bath. Perhaps this look was intended to create some excitement since the story basically consists of people standing around and talking. The art doesn't get in the way of the story but doesn't really enhance it too much either.
This issue gets three stars out of five.
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