52 Week Nine
By Hervé St-Louis
July 9, 2006 - 21:43
DC Comics
Writer(s): Goeff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, Dan Jurgens
Penciller(s): Keith Giffen, Shawn Moll, Andy Lanning
Inker(s): Tom Nguyen
Cover Artist(s): J.G.Jones, Alex Sinclair
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This issue was too brief. Just when one gets involved in the story, it ends almost in a cliffhanger. Liken usual any questions answered opens a lot more. How did Devilance The Pursuer end up on the paradisiac island since he last appeared in a DC Comics is not revealed. However, he was too easily defeated by the heroes. Speaking of which, I knew Starfire was athletic, but I did not know she was super strong. Batwoman also makes her first in costume appearance.
Jurgens continues to confuse readers with events in his history of the DC Universe. When the Earth 2 Superman was looking at the mind wiping of Batman which occurred during years ago, was he watching a past even or a live event as was implied? If he was watching a live event, which is strongly implied, this event would have occurred before the first Crisis. It’s not really clear how history was reformatted following the first and the second Crisis. Thus, the history recaps in 52 muddle history more than it salvages it.
The artwork was great this issue. It was easy to comprehend the action. The inker, is also above average and gave a soft and clean look to the characters and backgrounds.
Rating: 7/10
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