Teen Titans #7
By Paul Mson
April 26, 2017 - 18:15
DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Breakdowns: Phil Hester
Penciller(s): Khoi Pham
Inker(s): Wade von Grawbadger
Colourist(s): Jim Charlampidis
Letterer(s): Corey Breen
Cover Artist(s): Khoi Pham, Jim Charlampidis; Chris Burnham, Nathan Fairbairn
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Early on in the DC universe Rebirth the Teen Titans are still coming together, learning to trust each other and work as a team. This is especially evidenced by their training and having trouble memorizing Robin’s, for some unfathomable (see what I did there?) reason their leader, alphabetical maneuvers. Part of their incoherence as a unit may be chalked up to Robin staying true to character and being a dink. However the very traits that make him a door us provides comic relief.
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This is a particularly bad time though for the teen Titans to not be at their best as King Shark has a diabolical plan to defeat the surface dwellers. In a plot reminiscent of some of the Spider-man vs Lizard plot devices penned by that other company King Shark is creating sharks human hybrids.
Meanwhile Aqualad finally tracks the Teen Titans down and attempts to enlist, but is shunned by Robin.
This is a really dense issue, with a lot going on, but thanks to a deft touch by Percy it doesn’t feel dense, it just feels lighthearted, fun and action packed.
The art is not totally consistent but overall it is adequate, I am not sure subjectively I will ever completely be on board with the style but I respect it.
Rating: 7/10
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