Batwoman #1
By Paul Mason
March 18, 2017 - 10:46
DC Comics
Writer(s): Marguerite Bennett, James Tynion IV
Artist(s): Steve Epting
Colourist(s): Jeremy Cox
Letterer(s): Deron Bennett
Cover Artist(s): Steve Epting; J.G. Jones
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The many arms of death part 1.
Sinner man
From the pages of Batman and Detective comics Kate Kane aka Bat woman launches her own title.
This issue opens with Batwoman stalking a man sticking a needle into his arm in Istanbul. Through coms with Julia Penny worth the reader quickly discovers he’s injecting himself with monster venom and batman tasked bat woman with investigating the drug.
Batwoman quickly takes down this adversary because heck “she can do stuff batman can’t”.
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Kate Kane then with the assistance of Julia has to follow up on her investigation so Bat woman returns to her yacht and Julia and they set course for Coryana off the coast of Malta to track the seller, and during the journey across the Mediterranean Sea there is a cryptic flashback about Kate’s lost year and previous experience there.
The artwork of this comic is different but beautiful and suitable for the title. The storytelling is sparse but not in a bad way. Whereas in some comics there is a lot of dialogue and internal dialogue to tell the story but here there is a minimalist approach. This method of story telling accomplishes two things. One it really highlights the visual medium of storytelling as the panels are uncluttered with unnecessary text and two it lends an air of mystery to the title and the characters.
Rating: 8/10
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