Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics

Mary Jane #2

By Koncise an out :)
August 22, 2004 - 13:41


They say money makes the world go 'round. Mary Jane Watson doesn't know who "they" are, but she sure wishes "they" would help her to become financially independent!

Sean McKeever is doing a magnificent job on this title. For me, he’s really helped flesh out Mary Jane as a character on her own. You get to see what motivates her and shapes her as a person. On top of all this, there is an acute level of empathy within in the pages. This isn’t just for MJ though, as you really feel for Harry as well. After her date with Harry and encounter with Spider-man last issue MJ has questions to ask herself. Oh, and check out the cinema scene, McKeever, you’re a funny cat!

I think the cover really sums up Takeshi Miyazawa talent. Pick it up, take a look; he’s got a great balance of cuteness, shyness and youth within his pencils. Within, every moment is captured in such a way that feel a distinct emotional connect. The looks MJ gives Harry, the whole work situations, all of them touch you.

Report Card - B+

Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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