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UDON to Release "Street Fighter Gaiden" Manga Series
By The Editor
October 29, 2010 - 02:13
It’s time for more fast-flying Hadokens, jaw-breaking Cannon Spikes, and earth-shattering Sonic Booms as the gang at UDON brings you another never-before-translated STREET FIGHTER™ manga series straight from Japan! This November UDON returns to the most classic of all fighting game eras with STREET FIGHTER GAIDEN, a 2-volume manga series featuring the classic cast of Street Fighter(R) II!
Written and drawn by Mami Itou (Darkstalkers/Red Earth, ROBOT, Pilgrim Jäger), Street Fighter Gaiden spotlights the World Warriors’ adventures outside the tournament scene. The series is made up of short stories each devoted to a classic Street Fighter character. Fan-favorites like Ryu, Ken, Chun-li, and Guile each get their due, as do many other skilled fighters. Cammy teams up with Delta Red against the narcisitic Vega, T. Hawk has a desert showdown with Balrog, Fei-Long teaches everyone what it truly means to be a martial artist, and Ryu & Ken face off together against their deadliest rival – Akuma!
Street Fighter Gaiden Vol.1 goes on sales at comic shops and book stores everywhere November 24, 2010. Street Fighter Gaiden Vol.2 will follow in January 2011.
-ISBN: 978-1926778112
-Diamond code #SEP101152
-ISBN: 978-1926778150
-Diamond code #NOV101054
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40