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Luba’s Comics And Stories #5

By LJ Douresseau
March 21, 2005 - 13:22

Gilbert Hernandez is one of the great comic book writers of the last 25 years, and saying so isn’t a surprise to people who have been reading his work for even just a few years. With LUBA’S COMICS AND STORIES #5 (subtitled “Lovers and Hector”), Gilberto fascinated me with his ability to examine his central cast of characters: Luba, her sisters, daughters, and grandchildren, lovers, etc. through the misadventures of Petra’s (a sister) boy toy, Hector, basically using the (almost) clueless lover as an “in” to Luba’s world.

Hernandez’s frank depiction of sex and drama makes for riveting… well, drama. The script is witty and engaging, and Gilbert can juggle a large cast like a novelist, but in a more compact storytelling medium the way Robert Altman and Paul Thomas Anderson do with their films. The script seamlessly moves from one chapter to another focusing on different characters with their encounters with Hector being the launching points.

Of special note this issue is Gilbert’s art. Although he doesn’t get the attention that his super talented brother, Jaime, does, Gilbert’s soft and gentle lines make even the less attractive characters visually appealing. This is sort of a pin-up girl issue as the female form is constantly on display, with page fourteen’s sexy panel of Fritz being the highlight. B+

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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