Toys / Comics to Toys / Marvel Legends

Lord of the Rings

By Staff
January 31, 2004 - 16:59

Armored Pippin

Armored Pippin is nifty. He's about as poseable as the more poseable Sam and Frodo that came before their Orc Armor versions. Ball head, universal shoulders and hips (blocked by his skirt), bicep swivels, elbows, wrist swivels, straight waist swivel, upper thigh swivel, knees, shin swivel, and flexing ankles. He's got a nice sculpt, as expected, with a big ol' white tree on his chest, and he's packing a sword and a removeable (and pointy) helmet. This might be the same headsculpt they've been using, but I'm not sure. It looks enough like Billy Boyd that I'm satisfied. He's got a "sword slashing" action, since Toy Biz loves that so, and it doesn't get in the way of his articulation much (clicky shoulder), but he's got a HUGE button in his back. If he didn't have the button, he'd be perfect. As it is, I still like him a lot.

King Aragorn

King Aragorn is nifty. The headsculpt still doesn't look quite right, though. I don't know what it is about Viggo Mortensen's head, but it seems quite hard to capture in plastic. He's got a calm look on his face, though, so Pabs and Magnuz should be happy. He's also sporting Anduril, which is cool. He's got a removeable cape that covers the button on his back for HIS sword slashing action (which seems odd, given that the only time he wore this outfit was his coronation; maybe he needed to fight with the caterers or something). He looks nice, and has less articulation than Pippin (no shin swivels, but other than that, they're the same). My only gripe is that he's got HUGE ankles to support his ankle joints. I never saw his feet in this outfit, but I doubt they flared out to the side as much as this fig. Oh, and his cape's longer than he is tall, but it works okay even so; just flop it on the ground a little.

Armored Eowyn

Armored Eowyn is very cool. She's got the same articulation as Pippin PLUS ML ankles, and a really nice sculpt. She looks great in actiony poses, and comes with a sword, spear, cape (that doesn't stay on well at all) and helmet (that kinda stays on, but has a hard time dealing with her hair). One neat touch is that her helmet is clearly too big for her, as it probably would be, given that it was made for a man. She's also got amazing sword slashing powers, but the button on her back is much smaller and less obtrusive than either of the guys. I really like this figure a lot. She's smaller and thinner than a guy, as she should be, but still has great articulation and looks powerful and actiony. Her articulation is generally well concealed, falling at natural costume breaks. She's one of my fave LOTR folks so far. Now she just needs a horse...

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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