Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics


By Koppy McFad
April 20, 2004 - 09:51

WRITER: Keith Giffen
ARTIST: Alex Horley, Andy Kuhn
COVER: Alex Horley

"Al Franken" That's the big punchline for this final issue of the latest Lobo miniseries. Lobo becomes ruler of this valuble planet and after tiring of the job, finds a way out while making a tidy profit on the side. There is no real action, just some jokes about a tiny race that wants to circumsize Lobo. Ambush Bug is along for the ride but even Giffen seems to have tired of him as he is just used in a few panels. Probably the only ones who will enjoy this story are those who want the satisfaction of seeing a bunch of Arab-like aliens stupidly blow themselves up. There is a futile attempt to show off the story's "bad-boy" credentials in the end by actually playing up its offensive aspects. It all looks very tired, as though the creators thought they could make up for the poor writing by saying "hey, it's all just a joke." Well, I think jokes are suppose to be... um, funny.

Horley's work is only servicable in this issue. Not that he has much to work with. Apparently, he can't draw a good Bill O' Reilly either.

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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