Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Justice League of America # 1

By Koppy McFad
August 28, 2006 - 03:41

Justice League of America # 1

This story unfolds slowly but carefully. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman debate who should be allowed into the new Justice League and as they talk, we get a look into the lives of various potential members and discover that a plot is afoot, entangling all of them. The storytelling is very similar to Meltzer's earlier "IDENTITY CRISIS" story although there is no one single evil deed that sets events rolling. The focus of the issue is largely on the Red Tornado and these portions are genuinely touching as we see his understated love for his girlfriend, Kathy and Kathy's devotion to him. However other portions sound like Meltzer is trying too hard to insert some adult realism into the unrealistc world of superheroes. The part where Vixen looks up the Question on the remote chance that he is "good in bed" does not enhance Vixen's  image, nor does it make the JLA more sophisticated. It just looks like casual titillation. The art by Benes looks good so far. But as there is no real action yet, it is hard to tell how good he really is. This is really the second issue of the new Justice League of America and while we can understand Meltzer's decision to pace his story like a novel, it can get tiring if we don't see the League actually do something besides talking. Lets leave the talk-fests to other super-teams.

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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