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IDW Presents John Byrne's First "Star Trek" Comic Series

By The Editor
May 30, 2008 - 04:06



IDW’s Star Trek: Second Stage continues, as veteran comic artist John Byrne unveils the first-ever Star Trek series of his decades-spanning career! Spinning out of the 1968 "Star Trek" TV episode “Assignment Earth,” was intended by Gene Roddenberry as the pilot for a spin-off series that never came to pass, Byrne’s new series presents the series that never was, in print.

The Star Trek “Assignment Earth” episode introduced intergalactic super-spy Gary Seven, Roberta Lincoln, and Seven’s cat and partner Isisa.  (Actors Robert Lansing, Teri Garr and Victoria Vetri played the TV roles in the original).  The crew from the Starship: Enterprise time warped back to 1968 where Kirk, Spock and the others encountered Seven.

Now Byrne brings the late Roddenberry’s dream to life, delivering the series 40 years after it would have debuted, recounting the adventures of interstellar agent Seven and his Earth-born assistant as they “covertly confront threats to the past so that they can save Star Trek’s future.” 

Byrne, a highly regarded comic book veteran and avowed Star Trek fan, will both write and draw the Assignment Earth series for IDW, which steps one year forward with each issue, beginning with 1968, the year that the spin-off series would have appeared.  It will be his first full Star Trek series, following on the heels of his debut Trek comic for IDW, the Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Romulans one-shot (which will get a sequel of its own from Byrne this Fall).

“In addition to John’s ability to tell a great comic book story through his writing and art, he respects the Star Trek source material, all of which has led to one of the most fun Trek series we’ve done so far,” said Chris Ryall, IDW’s Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, “And the best part is his handling of the Gary Seven character, who was set up to be a fun, time-traveling James Bond type. Finally, forty years later, he gets his proper due.”

Star Trek: Assignment Earth #1 (MAR08 3767), 32 pages, to be released in May 2008.

About IDW Publishing
IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. As a leader in the horror, action, and sci-fi genres, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry including: television's #1 prime time series CBS’ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Paramount's Star Trek; Fox's Angel; Hasbro's The Transformers, and the BBC's Doctor Who. IDW’s original horror series, 30 Days of Night, was launched as a major motion picture in October 2007 by Sony Pictures and was the #1 film in its first week of release.  In April 2008, IDW released Michael Recycle, the first title from its new children’s book imprint, Worthwhile Books. More information about the company can be found at

About John Byrne
Prior to his work for IDW Publishing, John Byrne has worked continuously in comics since 1975, following his first professional sale in late summer of 1974. Beginning humbly enough, with the likes of WHEELIE AND THE CHOPPER BUNCH and DOOMSDAY + 1 (for Charlton Comics), and IRON FIST and THE CHAMPIONS for Marvel, he eventually moved on to Marvel's number one cult book, X-MEN (not yet Uncanny) in 1977.

It was his work on X-MEN which truly ignited John's star, and from there he moved to CAPTAIN AMERICA, THE AVENGERS, and a five year run on Marvel's flagship title, FANTASTIC FOUR. Seeking new heights to conquer, in 1986 John accepted the daunting assignment of revamping the oldest and most famous of all superheroes, Superman. Beginning with the hugely successful MAN OF STEEL miniseries, John brought SUPERMAN back into the attention of the fans, and that success continues today. In 1990, John decided to venture into the unpredictable waters of creator owned works, launching NEXT MEN in 1991. Following that success he brought out DANGER UNLIMITED, followed by BABE in 1995. Since then, he has written and drawn such titles as WONDER WOMAN, X-MEN: THE HIDDEN YEARS, LAB RATS, DOOM PATROL, and BLOOD OF THE DEMON. In 2005, he returned to Superman performing art duties for ACTION COMICS.

Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40

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