Comics / Back Issues

Green Arrow: the Longbow Hunters

By Brad Dade
July 19, 2006 - 22:52

Green Arrow: the Longbow Hunters

Back in the mid to late 1980's comics were pushing the line between "kid" books and those for "more mature readers".  After the success of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, Dc comics continued their prestige format line with a three part mini series staring Green arrow to be written and Drawn by Mike Grell.

In a nut shell, GA moves to Seattle with his girlfriend, Black Canary, has a mid life crisis, get a new costume, and fights a Japanese Woman who is better with the bow than he is.

So, What's So Good about It?

Similar to DARK KNIGHT, Mike Grell ages Green Arrow to his 40's and shows how people, even super heroes, can change.  He made GA much more rounded character and gave his some depth that was unseen before.  also, the witty dialogue between GA and BC really shows how this is a couple who have a long history together.

The new costume here is the first "hooded" Green Arrow one and a still think it's the best one.  It looks great, as Black Canary says "it's more practical", and losing all the trick arrows really brought up the tension.
New characters such as SHADO and EDDIE FYRES make their first appearances here.

So, Anything Bad Here?

Some current GREEN ARROW readers may be put off by the lack of "super hero" feel in this book.  This is clearly for readers who like their comics in a more "reality" based setting.  Also, references to the Iran Contra scandal and Japanese interment capes may seem dated now (especially if you don't even know what the heck an "Iran Contra" is!).

Also, not to spoil anything, but some people were put off by what happens to BLACK CANARY, especially in book 2.  Some feel it was a cheap stunt and something that BC would never allow to happen to her.

Worth Another Look?

Many consider this to be the best GA story ever(including this writer).  The only problem is that it is so far from the current ongoing series that some newer readers may not enjoy it.  It's not about showing GA taking amazing shots with his bow, but a much more introspective book about who GREEN ARROW is and why he keeps fighting.

Finally Grell's painted artwork is a thing of beauty here.  This story really deserves the "absolute" treatment.

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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