Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics

GRAVITY #2 (of 5)

By Koncise
August 30, 2005 - 13:35

GRAVITY #2 (of 5)

So, you've moved to the city, settled in and enjoyed your first victory against a notorious super villain. Now what's a freshly-minted super hero to do? Why, you find yourself a seasoned veteran to show you the ropes and offer sage advice.

I walked around Wizard World Chicago looking for Gravity (so Sean could sign it), but no one had a copy, NO ONE. And after another kickarse issue, it’s easy to see why. This comic is FIYA, pure and simple! McKeever’s story is down right fun (the fight, logo, etc), but it also has a logical progression for the character and its easy for you to emphasis with Greg. The nods to the Marvel Universe are nicely placed too (The Pulse, etc). And we get introduced to another new hero. What else could you ask for……an ending to bring you back hungry next issue….check!

Norton is really matching up with McKeever perfectly on this book. He captures a vibe that reflects the naivety of Greg as not just a superhero, but also as someone new to a big city. The big fight at the start of the issue is good (as are the others). You get a good sense of action and the uncertainty of Greg’s actions comes across. Proportions is something else Norton does well. Jumps and movement have a pop to them.

Report Card - B

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Koncise an out :)

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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