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Comics News
Back the Comeback Is Pointless
By Hervé St-Louis
May 19, 2020 - 09:43
On May 13, 2020, Geppi Family Enterprise, headed by
Diamond Comic Distributor (Diamond) Steve Geppi launched a marketing
campaign to encourage comic, games, and other pop culture consumers to
start purchasing wares distributed by the firm to comic book stores
across North America. Local authorities in many areas have shut many
comic book stores and other non-essential businesses during the
pandemic. Diamond, the main comic distributor in North
America had shut down its operations on March 23, 2020, leaving comic
book publishers, comic book stores, and consumers stranded.
Pundits have wondered whether the
fragilized, North American comic industry could sustain yet another
setback and if consumers would return to comic stores. Most comic book
stores receive the majority of their wares from Diamond.
campaign consists of an insignia modelled after the infamous comic
code authority that led to the self-censorship of comic contents from
the 1950s up to the 2011, when it was finally abandoned. The insignia,
which Diamond, claims an unregistered trademark over, consists of a
message telling consumers that “Our comeback will be bigger than out
A few publishers such as Dark Horse
Comics, Image Comics, and Dynamite Entertainment have announced support
for the marketing campaign meant to galvanize the comic industry.
Publishers are encouraged to tag their comics with the insignia to let
consumers know that they are supporting the comic industry and to
create a collectability factor. A brief analysis will demonstrate the
futility of this campaign and its utter disconnect from comic fans and
its misunderstanding of the market.
That Diamond
which has access to the most complete
data on the comic industry cannot gain proper insight from
its knowledge and come up with a
marketing campaign backed by proper demographic and survey analysis
demonstrate its failure in leading this industry over which
it has a quasi monopoly. The campaign is modelled after one of
the most
destructive event in North American comics’ history which led to
voluntary self-censorship, an abandonment of creativity,
coupled with a reliance on formulaic and bland contents geared towards
children in reaction to a moral panic.
Diamond is doing what some minority communities have done in the past
by reclaiming a negative element, such as a slur and identifying with
it. Homosexuals did the same with the terms queer and gay. Black
communities have reclaimed with much controversies some racial
While the comic code is part of comics’
history and had a defining influence over their developments, the
abandonment of this self-censorship apparatus has helped reinvigorate
creativity in comics. The Comic Code Authority seal is a negative
aspect of comics, not something worth celebrating. Its adherence to
comics was closer to a label of self-subjugation than an attempt to
communicate creativity, entrepreneurship, and liberty.
insignia is so context-driven that it highlights one type of comics
which is based mostly around genres such as superheroes, fantasy,
horror and science fiction, collected by
type of comic consumer, not all of them. Any comic reader
born after 2000 will feel no connection with this. This is a problem
as many comic publishers and now Diamond continue to mine the old
generations of readers which are aging rapidly and dwindling, instead
of attracting new readers. This campaign is meant for the old guard of
comic readers who likes to go to comic stores. It does not target other
This campaign is meant to prop up Diamond
principally and continue its dominion over the comic industry. It is a
reactionary measure which much like the comic code days, is meant to
recentre on a unique definition of comics and the comic industry. There
are no overtures towards newer readers. It is meant to protect one
business model and ignore competitive ones such as the multiple comic
distribution strategy spearheaded by DC Comics, or other points of
sales such as bookstores, large retail chains, niche distributors,
digital, and web comics.
This campaign does not
address any of the recurrent and systemic problems that prevent
consumers from buying comics in comic book stores, or have pushed away
many of them from some types of comics such as superhero comics. The
campaign does not address the precarity of comic stores and publishers
who each share margins on products that can often be inferior to
Diamond’s share.
I have advocated
marketing and survey analyses of the comic industry for over 15 years
at ComicBookBin. These proper approaches which are meant to understand
the comic market, estimate specific targets and different profiles are
still lacking today and totally absent from Diamond’s overture. Diamond
does not seem to understand who collects comic books in 2020 and what
situation they are in when they have other issues to contend with, such
a pandemic and
economic security.
This campaign shames
the same old group of comic buyers into supporting a decaying
distribution scheme built on their back without returning or giving
back anything to said consumers, except the pride of having been asked to
throw away money once again. There is no compelling argument as to why
comic consumers should support this campaign when other entertainment
venues appear more amicable and beneficial.
of expanding, Diamond continues the failed strategy of contracting and
encirclement of a narrower comic buying public asked to contribute
more and more for less value. Just last week, on a podcast, I heard a
retailer complaining that digital comics had no collectability and that
his real consumer was the person buying five to ten copies of the same
comic every month. That such foolish thinking continues to exist in
2020 is alarming.
What this unhinged and
pointless marketing campaign demonstrates is that the comic industry is
due for a serious restructuring and that the Covid-19 epidemic,
having shown the systemic weakness and unsustainability of this
industry, may open the door for more enterprising, innovative, creative
leadership in comic distribution, marketing, and sales.
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40