Comics / Spotlight / Black Astronaut

Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls vs. Zombies #6

By Leroy Douresseaux
December 23, 2009 - 13:45

Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls vs. Zombies #6 cover image

“Haunted Hell House,” Part Two of Two

Zombies walk the streets of The City.  On the night of the volleyball tournament between the sorority, Epsilon Alpha Zeta Upsilon (EAZY) and its partner, Alpha Zeta Zeta, zombies invade the EAZY sorority house.  Three EAZY girls: Jaime Schaeffer, Paige Patton, and Brittany Miller are separated from their sorority sisters, and, in spite of their bickering, work as a team to survive.

Our intrepid heroes sought found refuge in an abandoned house, which also turned out to be the safe haven for Alpha Zeta Zeta.  However, these Greeks aren’t the only occupants of the house.  Tall, dark, and muscular slasher Kurtis Kasey and unknown demonic sprits also lurk within.  As Chaos Campus Sorority Girls vs. Zombies #6 begins, Jaime and the A.Z.Z. girls are trying to find a way to rid Paige and Brittany of the demons that have possessed them.  As they search for the means to fight these evil spirits, the rest of the house also begins to turn on them.

THE LOWDOWN:  While this issue riffs on Sam Raimi and the director’s Evil Dead film series, this sixth issue of Chaos Campus Sorority Girls vs. Zombies is laced with many other pop culture references.  However, writer Bart A. Thompson has created a series that is more than just a sly homage to genre movies.  This series is first and foremost an effectively constructed horror comic book.  That it walks, talks, and looks like horror makes the humor work.  Artists Kewber Baal (pencils/inks) and Schimerys Baal (colors) also hit the right notes visually for this particular chapter.

POSSIBLE AUDIENCE:  Readers that like comic horror will certainly want Chaos Campus Sorority Girls vs. Zombies.



Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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