Coolstreak Cartoons Is No More - Now It's Toon Doctor
By Hervé St-Louis
March 27, 2011 - 22:28
So on March 15, 2011, Coolstreak Cartoons Inc. the parent company that owns The Comic Book Bin officially changed its name to Toon Doctor Inc.
The story behind Coolstreak Cartoons Inc. is simple. The first registered business I had way back in 1999 was called Coolstreak Media. I originally wanted to call it Blue Streak new Media after my favourite Transformer character, Blue Streak, the super fast Autobot gunner with a big mouth. Well, as you can guess the name Bluestreak is quite popular even outside of the world of the Transformers and the name just wasn't available for registration. So I settled for Coolstreak. Over the years, people have confused the name and called it all kinds of things, like Cool Steak ouch.
Coolstreak doesn't mean much when you think of it. In 2000, I came up with the name Toon Doctor and decided to use it as a trade name. A trade name is a nom d'usage where it is not the official name of the business, but can be used as a stand in. In 2001-2 while officially incorporating Coolstreak Cartoons Inc. as a federally incorporated company I was tempted to use Toon Doctor, but mistakenly thought Toon Doctor would not be serious enough - even though I was creating an animation studio. That was a bad decision. I wanted to look serous and respectable. Coolstreak doesn't mean anything, but I managed to tag the word "Cartoons" next to the name anyway. It was like having a mullet - business on top, but fun on the bottom...
For some reason, I never changed the company name to Toon Doctor although it had been on the back my mind for years. Before I released the first Comic book Bin app on iOS in March of 2010, I also wanted to changed the company name to avoid confusion in the marketplace. Toon Doctor, is a sexier name - has always been will always be much better than Coolstreak Cartoons. It's also simpler for people to remember.
So after years of not paying proper attention to this minor issue, I've finally managed to enact the name change once and for all.
Now there is only Toon Doctor, the owner of Comic Book Bin. No more Coolstreak Cartoons, no more confusion and similar cartoon names that have no real meanings, no more mullets! No more need to keep a separate Coolstreak Cartoons Website that duplicates all the stuff from Toon Doctor.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20