By Koppy McFad
April 1, 2006 - 01:31
For her birthday present, Superman gives Lois Lane superpowers just for one day. Contrary to what the cover shows, we do not see Lois upstaging Clark. Basically, she follows Superman around while two romantic rivals, Atlas and Samson, try to woo her away from him. It is a modern take on the pre-CRISIS Superman stories when entire issues would be devoted to Clark tricking Lois or Superman finding some historical trinket. They even bring back Steve Lombard in this issue, albeit radically redone. It is a good natured tale full of cute touches and clever asides but it still feels like something is lacking. Isn't Superman suppose to be dying? Isn't Luthor suppose to be plotting something big? Granted, Morrisson is having the time of his life, actually writing the big guy for once. And yes, it has been fun but Superman is suppose to handle serious threats as well. There seems to be a definite lack of suspense in this title, no matter how much we oldies may enjoy it.