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All-Star Batman and Robin # 3
By Koppy McFad
January 7, 2006 - 02:35
A blonde bombshell brutally beats a bar full of boors and bums. Sure, they were making suggestive comments but she was the one dressing like a sleazy version of Black Canary in the first place. But then moral judgements have no place in this comic book which is just about looking cool and kicking butt. This issue also makes it clear that Batman fully intended to draft Dick Grayson into his war so the murder of the Flying Graysons was a stroke of luck for him. Heck, if we didn't know better, we might suspect Batman engineered their deaths. What we have is basically an issue of SIN CITY with Batman inserted into it. So much time and effort is spent, lovingly describing the pain and suffering that the characters deal out and yet no sense of their humanity comes through. The art is powerful and exciting but in the end, it all feels empty. In fact, it almost feels like some neophyte writer was trying to imitate Miller's style from the earlier DARK KNIGHT books. But instead of getting the nuances that made the stories so memorable, he just pumped up the violence levels.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20