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Street Fighter
By Hervé St-Louis
June 11, 2006 - 21:44
Adon is Sagat’s pupil. First appearing in the original Street Fighter game as the second last boss before players went on to fight Sagat. Adon’s style, Muay Thai, leads people to bill him as a junior version of Sagat. He is more agile than Sagat and very boisterous and immature. He rebelled against Sagat after he lost to Ryu. Sota’s Adon figure is an excellent addition to the line and cool.
The grin is there, so that’s a good cue already. The bands around his arms have red and blue stripes like in the game. Of course, Adon looks a lot like the Manga and Animé version of the character than the game. The figure is based on the Street Fighter Alpha game where his face was more angular than in the original game.
Adon looks tough and mocking. He reminds me of Bart Simpson, especially with his alternate spiky hair, head. His proportions are great and he looks leaner and better built than Guile, who is the same size. His upper back makes him look like a hunchback. However, Adon looks tough and quite capable of winning a fight through tricks and skills. It’s one of the best looking Street Fighter action figures from Sota.
There are fine details on Adon’s sculpt. There is much shading on his skin, highlighting his muscles. The yellow hue used on his shorts is not thick enough and the blue plastic colour shows underneath. The colour used for his shorts’ belts should have been used for the patterns instead. There are a few highlights on the bandages he sports on his arms and feet. There aren’t paint spills on the figure which is good.
Adon, just like Guile, is the mean on which the height of a ll Street Fighter action figures should be judged. He’s taller than Ryu, Ken and all the girls, but shorter than Bison, Vega, and T. Hawk. Of course, like all of Sota’s Street Fighter action figures, he looks great with them and has good proportions.
Addon is stable and easy to pose. His soles are flat and his weight well balanced. His legs are thick enough to support his torso and there are no pieces of hair or a weird hat, like Blanca and Sodom to keep him off balance. Still peg holes in his soles would have been appreciated.
Adon had 33 articulations at the heck, the shoulders, the biceps, the elbows, the wrists, the palms, the abs, the waist, the hips, the thighs, the knees, the calves, the ankles, the soles and the toes. Some of the articulations are difficult to move so be careful not to break the figure. Particularly those at the waist and calves are hard to move. The shoulders, elbows and knees have double articulations.
Adon’s composition is PVC with some soft rubber like pieces for his hair, his bandana, and the flags he ties around his biceps. In both heads, the hair is glued on. If you have problems articulating Adon, put him in a fridge for at least twelve hours. After that., he should be easier to move. Don’t press to hard on the plastics, it is not resistant and not suitable for tough child play.
Adon only comes with alternate hands and one extra head. One set of hands are fist, the other one has a thumbs up right hand and a grappling left hand.
Adon comes in a clear plastic package that is difficult top open for children. Scissors are needed. But when using them be careful of the sharp plastic edges from the scraps. They can cut. The package is environmentally-friendly, although the plastic can be recycled. There is one leaflet with artwork and images of all the main Street Fighter action figures from the round. On the front cover there is a picture of Adon and some fake game play tricks for this character.
Adon cost about $USD12 in most stores. Price change depending on the discount of the retailer. This is a good price for a figure of this quality. Other stores may charge more for this action figure. The Canadian dollar being in flux means that figures’ prices may not be proportional to the US price.
Adon was one of the stars of this wave of figure. Sota has made several variants with different short colours. These are only of interest to hardcore collectors who want to collect all variants. Variants are limited to Sota’s Web site or exclusive retailers. Adon sells out quickly in most stores so reserve don’t wait too long. Most of Sota’s Street Fighter action figures don’t stay long in stores.
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40