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Young Justice Season 2 Episode 11
By Hervé St-Louis
January 14, 2013 - 08:30
Despero seeks a challenge and targets the Justice League’s remaining heaviest hitter in a contest of might, destroying in the process, the Earth-based headquarter of the Justice League and new home base of Young Justice. Will Captain Marvel and Young Justice defeat Despero or will they all die trying?
It’s episodes like this that makes fans enjoy this series so much. It’s a great blend of Justice League and Young Justice taking over common foes lifted straight from the comic book history of the characters and modernized just enough to make them relevant for a new generation. Despero’s portrayal in the Justice League cartoon a decade ago was as a cult leader on a faraway planet. He was scary then. Today, he’s just a brute with obvious intelligence who mumbles a lot but is as destructive. Perhaps, in hindsight, I like the earlier version!
Nevertheless, it was great to see another episode of Young Justice after several months’ hiatus. I like the psychological profiling and interrogation Black Canary performed on the teens that were captured by the Reach in previous episodes. I found that Captain Marvel’s fight against Despero portrayed the former as too weak while it showed that Superboy was stronger than he should be. Speaking of Superboy, I like how he reached out to Miss Martian at the end of the episode.
The best part of the episode was how the Reach outplayed the Justice League in public at every turn, making them look like criminals and dangerous.
Rating: 9 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20