By Andy Frisk
September 22, 2011 - 00:32
Logan and Scott finally come to blows, or more like blasts and slashes, when they differ dramatically on what route of action to take when a super Sentinel bears down on Utopia. Scott wants to face the monster with the X-kids, potentially risking their lives, and Logan wants to abandon ship in order to live to fight another day. The two don’t actually come to blows though until Scott delivers a devastatingly petty, childish, and out of the blue remark to Logan concerning a certain deceased love of theirs…
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This is a family friendly site so I can’t say what I now think of Scott Summers aka Cyclops. I can’t help but think of the Hugh Jackman delivered line in X-Men (2000) when Scott asks him how they know for sure it was Logan staggering back into the room and not Mystique. I also haven’t been as blown away by Logan as a character since…well, I honestly don’t remember when. Just as I’m bewailing the destruction of dynamism at DC Comics as far as the new DCnU Superboy and Supergirl are concerned, I’m absolutely thrilled at the dynamism that Jason Aaron is bringing to Logan in the pages of SCHISM. The marketing surrounding the impending X-Men Re-Genesis storyline is asking readers to choose their team. Put me on Team Logan (okay, so even I can’t escape the pop culture saturation of idiotic Twilight idioms).
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One team I can be left off of though is Alan Davis’. His art isn’t poor by any means, it just doesn’t appeal to me. He draws an incredible looking super Sentinel. His action choreography and panel flow are both fine as well. It’s his facial expressions. They are too out of proportion for my tastes. Also they seem a bit repetitive.
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After all the buildup to the onset of the Logan vs. Scott battle, when it finally gets here it feels a bit anti-climatic. While what sets the two at each others' throats has its basis in the direction that each wants to take the X-Men in, and how seriously to involve the “kids,” it really comes down to blows as the result of a smart-aleck comment over a character long gone. A character, for whose sake, the two shouldn’t be fighting with each other over, but focusing on the real goal, that of taking care of the youngest X-Men.
Rating: 8 /10