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Marvel Comics
X-Force #26
By Hervé St-Louis
May 1, 2010 - 22:24
A bunch of androids and people who don’t seem to like mutants are after some red hair girl and Nightcrawler gets killed trying to save her. Aw, give me a break. I didn’t spoil anything you didn’t already know a was coming. It’s the only reason I picked up this book at the comic book store this week. I like Nightcrawler, like most of you do and I’m sorry to see him go. Having said that this storyline is ridiculous and totally failed to grab my attention. I know I’m expected to read the blurb in the first page that explains what I’m supposed to read, but I’m getting lazy and if a comic book cannot be enjoyed without extensive research in the past, for a recent storyline, chances are it’s not a good comic book. This is not a good comic book. It looks good though. It looks very good and has good art. But the good art only serves to cover the paucity of story inside. Nothing happens here. There’s a few fight and flight to Utopia. Then, there’s the shock image of the dead Nightcrawler which we all know will be back soon enough. I have no idea what the cover means or what differentiates this story from other X-Men series. X-Factor used to be the smarter of the X-Men book where it would reflect on the world of the mutants. This issue could have been called Mutant or X-Men whatever, it would not have mattered at all. It didn’t matter to me.
Rating: 5 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20