By Philip Schweier
November 15, 2017 - 04:39
how does one team modern-day super-heroine Wonder Woman with a barbarian
swordsman from the beyond-Ancient World? Magic, obviously. Sorcerous secrets
come to light, even as we explore young Conan’s infatuation with the Amazon
princess Yanna.
But don’t let the cover fool you. It’s not a strict representation of the comic’s interior, but more symbolic. It illustrates the growing romance between the two heroes. That increasing level of intimacy is conveyed on the inside pages, as the two warriors dance a perfectly coordinated ballet of death. It’s the kind of choreography that typically requires practice and rehearsal, but these two master it with hardly a thought.
I read Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian back in the late 1970s/early ‘80s. One of the more significant art teams on it was John Buscema and Ernie Chan. Lopresti and Ryan have managed to capture the look of Marvel’s series, giving it their own polish without descending into imitation.
the series demonstrates a lot of promise to Conan and Wonder Woman fans alike.
It’s not too late to jump on this series and ride it to the end. Sure, you
could wait for the trade paperback, but if more readers fail to support the
monthlies, the publishers have little reason to repackage for the trade.