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Wonder Woman #11 Review
By Zak Edwards
July 25, 2012 - 01:02
Brian Azzarello may be committing unspeakable horrors in Before Watchmen, but on the New 52 Wonder Woman, he seems to be incapable of doing any wrong. By taking classic mythologies and blending them with contemporary settings and superheroes, he has created a book that is not only a constant joy to read, but also one that speaks to the human condition, much like the myths these characters are based on.
The gods and goddesses in Wonder Woman are exaggerated versions of our own traits. Hera, jealousy incarnate, is an ironic and telling representative for marriage and is willing to go to many lengths to protect herself. Apollo is a rising star and ambitious son, wanting to prove himself and accomplish great things and surpass his father. These characters come together and, while fairly vague and shallow, are necessarily so. The characters who require depth are given it, the characters who are intrinsically simple are bound to it in ways that neither feel like purposeful plot extensions or contrived shorthand. And, in this issue, having already performed the labour of defeating Hades, Diana must face an even larger threat in the form of Apollo and the wrath of Hera. Even though this issue packs a lot of action, Azzarello still creates an issue that is thematically coherent and interesting. The story has been an ongoing epic rather than shorter stories, something the stronger New 52 series have followed. Overall, Wonder Woman remains one of the stronger series DC has to offer.
Cliff Chiang has a great style for this series, with his designs for the supernatural characters being consistently immediately recognizable and fairly unique. Apollo and Artemis are opposing, embodying the sun and moon respectively, continuing his trend of great design work. His emotional work is strong and simple, which works also. Overall, along with his stellar action sequences, Chiang provides a unique voice and clear visuals to a series relying on exactly these qualities.
Grade: 8/10 Excellent work all round. Enjoyable and Thematically complex.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20