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DC Comics
Wonder Woman #21
By Paul Mason
April 26, 2017 - 18:05
In some of my recent reviews I have critiqued the art, so first and foremost I find this comic gorgeous. I was hooked from the cover, a stark plain image of Wonder Woman finely drawn and detailed. Both on the cover and inside the issue she looks like an Amazon princess. So kudos to the fine work here. As expected from a Greg Rucker penned issue the writing is strong as well. I was saddened to hear he was leaving the title, but I suspect he’ll leave a fine legacy.
In this issue Dr. CALE in an attempt to reunite with her daughter whom she suspects is in Theymiscara recruits Cheetah to fight Wonder Woman, so this issue concludes a revised Cheetah origin story and has a quest, a battle and themes of family and honour. Those who have read Rucka novels are familiar with such plots and themes, but that doesn’t diminish the enjoyment. Also in this arc is the Truth and the first Rebirth arc was Lies there are explicit and implicit parallels to the story arcs. Overall there is a brief fight, but not a ton of action in this comic, but the story and art are compelling enough it doesn’t have to be a bam pow action packed issue.
Rating: 8 /10
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20